Explore the Transformative Power of Discomfort and Change

Episode #287

Linda Gibson

Chairman and CEO at PGIM Quantitative Solutions

In a world filled with uncertainty, Linda Gibson's journey proves that embracing discomfort can unlock extraordinary possibilities. From a math major questioning her career path, to the unexpected twist that led her to become the CEO of an asset management firm, Linda's story is a testament to the power of taking leaps. Brace yourself as we dive into the captivating tale of Linda's relentless pursuit of growth and the surprising turn of events that would redefine her professional trajectory.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unleash your potential by embracing change and seizing opportunities in your professional life.
  • Discover the power of emotional intelligence and how it can enhance your success in the tech-driven world.
  • Navigate the challenges and maximize the benefits of hybrid work environments through effective video communication.
  • Unlock new possibilities and reimagine your career development strategies for the new age of work.

Over the years, Linda took calculated risks and explored new avenues, ultimately rising to the position of Chairman and CEO at PGIM Quantitative Solutions. Her diverse experiences and willingness to take risks have not only led to her own personal growth and success, but also serve as an inspiration for professionals seeking their own path to growth. Get ready to be inspired by Linda's incredible journey on this episode of Beyond Barriers Podcast.

"Even if you don't feel you're ready, raise your hand, take the risk and leap into that.”

Linda Gibson